This API wrapper for Cityworks follows the Cityworks release schedule as closely as possible. Functionality may be missing depending on necessity or use.
Require the class:
const Cityworks = require('cityworks')
import * as cw from 'cityworks'
Instantiate the Class for the instance of Cityworks available given a domain:
cw.Cityworks.configure('cw.domain.tld', {path: 'cityworks', version: 15})
Authenticate with the Cityworks install:
cw.Cityworks.authenticate('myuser', 'mypassword').then(resp => {}).catch(error => {
Get the currently valid token in order to store it in a session or cookie:
Provide a saved token instead of the standard u/p auth:
Access the primary AMS (Inspection, WorkOrder, & Service Request) & PLL object libraries like so:
cw.inspection.methodHere().then(resp => {})
cw.workorder.methodHere().then(resp => {})
cw.request.methodHere().then(resp => {})
cw.briefcase.methodHere().then(resp => {})
Some of the methods are general or top-level, and so, are accessed separately are at the same level of reference from the cityworks object:
General methods including authentication:
cw.general.methodHere().then(resp => {})
Message queue methods for examining, processing, and troubleshooting webhooks and activity events:
cw.message_queue.methodHere().then(resp => {})
Activity link for linking one node/object to another:
cw.activity_link.methodHere().then(resp => {})
Mapping and GIS methods not specific to a single object type:
cw.gis.methodHere().then(resp => {}) => {})
For the sake of organizing some of the other methods needed by the primary and secondary libraries, there are also objects and methods accessed within those main libraries:
For PLL case financial actions: => {})
For PLL case data details & data groups: => {})
For PLL case workflow and task actions:
cw.briefcase.workflow.methodHere().then(resp => {})
For PLL administration actions:
cw.briefcase.admin.methodHere().then(resp => {})
For any object in Cityworks which can be commented on, use the Comments class via the class the comment is to be made on:
cw.briefcase.comment.add(CaObjectIdGoesHere, "Comment goes here").then(resp => {})
cw.workorder.comment.add(WorkOrderSIDGoesHere, "Comment goes here").then(resp => {})
cw.request.comment.add(RequestIDGoesHere, "Comment goes here").then(resp => {})
For any object in Cityworks which has attachments, (including cases as CaRelDocs), use the Attachments class via the class the attachment is to be made on:
cw.briefcase.attachment.add(CaObjectIdGoesHere, path.join('uploads', 'filename.pdf')).then(resp => {})
cw.workorder.attachment.add(WorkOrderSIDGoesHere, path.join('uploads', 'filename.pdf')).then(resp => {})
cw.request.attachment.add(RequestIDGoesHere, path.join('uploads', 'filename.pdf')).then(resp => {})
cw.inspection.attachment.add(InspectionIDGoesHere, path.join('uploads', 'filename.pdf')).then(resp => {})
cw.activity_link.add(source_type, source_sid, destination_type, destination_sid)