Execute a saved search
Returns Promise object that represents a list of Objects
SearchId to execute
options: { Other options. See: /{subdirectory}/apidocs/#/service-info/Ams/Search
Extent?: ObjectOptional
Frequency?: booleanOptional
TotalGet a list of the saved searches by search type and specific entity types OR employeeSid/domainId. You cannot search for saved searches by both specific entity type AND employeeSid/domainId.
Returns Promise object that represents a collection of SearchDefinitionName
Get the saved searches for a particular type
applyToEntities: string[]Restrict GIS searches to specified entity types
employeeSid: numberThe employee SID to retrieve the searches as
domainId: numberThe domain ID of the domain to search
Convert a search definition to a query
Returns Promise object that represents a SearchToQueryResult list
searchIds to convert
Automatically save a query which converts with no errors, default is false
Use all values for boolean fields even though a boolean should only have one value, default is false and will only use the first boolean value
Create default filter when no filter is found, default is false
Get a search definition
Returns Promise object that represents a SearchDefinition object
SearchId to get.
employeeSid: numberEnforces employee security settings on search definition if provided.
Get search definitions
Returns Promise object that represents a collection of SearchDefinition objects
SearchIds to get.
employeeSid: numberEnforces employee security settings on search definition if provided.
Save a search definition
Returns Promise object that represents a SearchDefinitionName object
Name of type to search for from searchTypes
options: ObjectOther options. See: /{subdirectory}/apidocs/#/service-info/Ams/Search
SearchId to update. Defaults to "0" which is "Create new saved search"
Search Types: Null, Request, WorkOrder, Inspection, Contract, Permit, GIS, PermitTask, PermitAddress, InspCommon, Case, WorkOrderEntity, StoreTransaction, Requisition, Material, WorkActivity, MaterialLeaf, WoTemplate, Unknown, Employee, MessageQueue, Analytics, TokenState, AssetCalculationResult, Equipment, CustomerAccount, InspTemplate, ProblemLeaf, AssetSplitRecord, PavementInsp, TvInspection, Projects